levi durfee


I’ve been considering switching from VSCode to Neovim. Some distributions package several plugins together. A few people say you should refrain from using the distros and should configure your environment from scratch. It doesn’t matter; you should use what you’re comfortable with.

Recently, I tried the Neovim distribution NVChad. It works well, is very pretty, and has many features. Some of the packages included have been abandoned; this concerned me.

I want to create a custom Neovim configuration for my environment. Having an editor completely custom for my workflow would be excellent. So, I made a few configs from scratch, but never felt stable.

With VSCode, I frequently add/remove extensions. I’m very familiar with VSCode and know keyboard shortcuts that help me avoid the mouse. But, with VSCode, I do use the mouse a lot more.

So, my journey towards Neovim will be a slow one. My fear is getting my setup perfected, then it becomes unusable. It feels like VSCode comes with some guarantees that the core functionality will always work. Maybe it’s the same for Neovim, and I don’t see it yet.

I think I need to keep experimenting with Neovim. The base editor feels stable, but abandoned plugins concern me. I don’t fully understand my config files or what the plugins are doing.
