levi durfee



tech editor nvim
I recently tried “kickstart.nvim”, which I like. It gives me a nice setup while learning how everything works. I’ve got the following plugins. I built Neovim from the source. I use it to write Go, Rust, Lua, and bash scripts. NVIM v0.10.0-dev-1236+g28ffd96c9 Build type: RelWithDebInfo LuaJIT 2.1.1695653777


tech editor nvim
I’ve been considering switching from VSCode to Neovim. Some distributions package several plugins together. A few people say you should refrain from using the distros and should configure your environment from scratch. It doesn’t matter; you should use what you’re comfortable with. Recently, I tried the Neovim distribution NVChad. It works well, is very pretty, and has many features. Some of the packages included have been abandoned; this concerned me. Read more...

Dell PowerEdge T320

tech homelab
I recently won an auction for a Dell PowerEdge T320 from eBay. It has an Xeon E5 processor with six cores, 8 GB RAM, 4x500 GB HDDs, and a RAID controller card that supports up to 16 HDDs. It has a lot of potential. Newegg had a good deal on 64GB of RAM, so I went ahead and got some. It has two 32GB sticks and should arrive around the same time as the server. Read more...

Vaultwarden Review

Vaultwarden is an excellent service that manages your passwords. It is compatible with Bitwarden, which uses TypeScript and C#. Vaultwarden is written in Rust and uses fewer system resources. I decided to try Vaultwarden since it is popular on r/selfhosted. My instance of Vaultwarden runs in a container on a server I host from home. It is easy to set up, use, and compatible with Bitwarden clients. My instance is behind a Cloudflare tunnel, but I might reconsider this. Read more...

brotli compression with nginx

I’m not sure why distros don’t include brotli with their nginx binaries, but they seem to enable every other feature with nginx configure options. So, after installing nginx on this Debian server I decided I wanted to compile nginx from source. First, I had to install some packages. apt-get install build-essential libpcre3 libpcre3-dev zlib1g zlib1g-dev \ libssl-dev libgd-dev libxml2 libxml2-dev uuid-dev libxslt-dev git Then I downloaded the latest stable version of nginx and extracted it. Read more...

Google Domains

tech domains
It seems like Google will no longer be in the domain business. Google is selling all domain registrations and customer accounts to Squarespace. Why would Google do this? Did they want out of the domain business? Squarespace is paying $180 million for Google Domains. Google Domains will shut down next month. I had quite a few domains registered with Google. It was an easy-to-use website, and they had competitive prices. I’m not a fan of Squarespace, so today, I initiated the transfer of all my domains to Namecheap. Read more...
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