levi durfee



tech editor nvim
I recently tried “kickstart.nvim”, which I like. It gives me a nice setup while learning how everything works. I’ve got the following plugins. I built Neovim from the source. I use it to write Go, Rust, Lua, and bash scripts. NVIM v0.10.0-dev-1236+g28ffd96c9 Build type: RelWithDebInfo LuaJIT 2.1.1695653777


tech editor nvim
I’ve been considering switching from VSCode to Neovim. Some distributions package several plugins together. A few people say you should refrain from using the distros and should configure your environment from scratch. It doesn’t matter; you should use what you’re comfortable with. Recently, I tried the Neovim distribution NVChad. It works well, is very pretty, and has many features. Some of the packages included have been abandoned; this concerned me. Read more...
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